Saturday, September 10, 2011

I Am A Perpetual Learner

My philosophy has always been that if I think I have learned enough and know all about any subject then I have failed. Life is a a journey of learning and learning will keep happening until I die.  Big or small it is a daily occurrence.

My daughter just started kindergarten. We struggled over whether or not we were going to homeschool or public school. Long story short we decided to do a little of both with half day kindergarten. I did enough research and did not want all I had collected to be for nothing. I keep close contact with her teacher and I try to fill in the gaps. Right now her teacher is trying to get all the kids on the same page, so there is a huge gap between her and most of the kids. She is way ahead. Putting together a preschool program for 3 year olds, a kindergarten program for my daughter, and fitting the toddlers in is a little bit of a challenge. Even with my BA in Child Development and all my experience I struggle to mesh it all together. My greatest resource has be reading blogs. A wealth of information from homeschoolers of varying education and teachers are found here in the blogging world. I also read articles, books and other websites.

On the spiritual end I am always searching for scriptures to still my anxious heart. Something I have come a long way in, but I believe I have a long way to go. Again my belief that I can never believe that I know it all. In every area of my life I have a journey to know more and to apply that knowledge to be a better person for God and my family. To me family is a broad therm that encompasses my immediate family, spiritual family, and friends. I only hope I can glorify God with it all or it will be meaningless.


  1. Thanks for following me! I am proud to be your first follower. :-) Can't wait to watch your blog grow and develop.

    Vicky @

  2. Thanks Vicky. I have been following blogs all summer and while I love reading them, I was not sure if I wanted to do one. I was using my FB page as a blog. Not sure if it is totally appriciated, but a few do. I guess that is all that matters. Anyway I decided to try. We will see how it goes. I am so confued on how to post exciting things like you do with great pics. I have a home child care and two little girls so I have a lot to share.
