Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11

I was 25 and living with room mates when the planes destroyed the twin towers. My room mate had the news on and just as I was stepping out of the house to go to work I stoped in mid step as I saw the plan hit the tower. It took time reality set in. I don’t remember much else about that day except the replay of the attacks. I also remember standing outside with the kids for many days afterward and noticing the erie silence in the skies. No planes in the air. I had never known before that day how much noise fills the air when planes constantly go by. It was peaceful though and the irony was that the world was anything BUT at peace. At least the birds were happy….

Further thoughts of the tragic day: 

As I read other posts about the memories they have of that life changing day, I remember things that I had forgotten. I remember all the flags everywhere. I also remember how people were a bit nicer. It is sad that it takes tragedy to bring people together and think of someone other then themselves. Before 9/11 it seemed almost taboo to wave a flag other then on a patriotic holiday. Even now flags are flown more often and people often say thank you to our troops and firefighters. We tell or will tell our children of where we were that day much like my parents told me about the day John Kennedy died and my grandparents tell of WWII. Things really never change we just make the same mistakes in different ways.  The world may never be at peace, but one thing no one can take away is that God is working through it all and because of it we have hope and faith. At least in Haven there WILL be peace.

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